Study questions

  1. Repeat the analyses conducted in this case study but using the unlagged instead of the lagged tsetse control codes. Comment.

  2. Repeat the REML analyses described using CS10Data2. Why do you think the component of variance for animal is zero? Repeat the analysis without animal in the model. Comment.

  3. Select a few other variables in CS10Data5 that have not been analysed. Carry out the same analyses with GenStat and report your findings in a few sentences.

  4. In groups of two or three present a Power Pont presentation based on the results of Question 3 to other members of your class. You can divide the talk between yourselves. The other students should discuss your presentation and the suitability of the slides.

  5. Discuss the choice of 6 months for the average unit of measurement for the statistical analysis. Consider alternatives, such as 1 month, 3 months and 12 months and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  6. List the types of data checks that you think should be made each month when the data were originally entered into the data base. One example could be a weight recorded for an individual animal that is much less than measured on previous occasions. Think of others.

  7. Prepare suitable data sheets to record the data collected in this case study.